The beach itself was disappointing. We go to Destin almost every year and I have never seen it look like this. There was a TON of algae in the water. We had been worrying about oil, but there was none of that to be seen! I would hardly even get in the water, but you could swim out to a sand bar not far out and it was a lot nicer. The locals said it does this every few years because of some wind pattern, but I never remember it looking so gross. Oh well. Bella liked just sitting in the surf and playing in the pool, but she was not a huge fan of the sand. Here she is with Jason...
My parents also got a golf cart this year, so that was fun for us to scoot around in, and Isabella LOVED it. She loved riding in it, but she also would beg to go outside just so she could crawl around in and play in it.
Another cute thing she does lately is shrug her shoulders when she doesn't know something. Here is a good picture of it. She just looks like a little adult to me!
One day the boys went to play golf so the girls went shopping. In the middle of the shopping area, there is a little water splash area for kids so we let Bella play there for a bit to cool off.
So my daughter loves my mother more than she loves me. When given a choice of who will hold/feed/bathe/name it her, she will choose my mom every time. Look at this picture. She just looks at her with total adoration!
All in all the trip was nice. I did get some relaxation in. Read a book, saw a couple of movies, ate some delicious seafood. The ride home was a little more tense, with a total meltdown the last hour (I just couldn't get Jason to stop crying!! ;) ), but we made it! It is always sad when vacations are over, but I was also glad to get home to our normal routine.
When we got back to Tyler, my sister and bro in law were in the pool so Isabella wanted to get in too. I just thought this picture was so cute. She loves to put on adult sunglasses (she will have nothing to do with her own) and then blow kisses like she is a movie star. So cute.