Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bella Lately - No Relation to Chelsea

Isabella is now one. I promise to write the requisite 'First Year With Isabella' blog soon, but it is going to take lots of thinking back and probably some tears so I will have to do that later. She has actually been sick a ton lately. It is so hard when she is sick because we can't go anywhere. So we both get a little stir crazy and that makes us both cranky. But she is feeling great now so I hope she has shaken it for a while! So basically we haven't been up to a lot, but I have gotten some adorable pictures. Enjoy!

Bella in her Easter dress

She loves sitting in her rocking chair. I think she feels like such a big girl. You can see how happy she is!

We got her new car seat put in now that she is one. She obviously is very comfortable in it. =)

She is also eating mostly 'grown up' food. It is waffles for breakfast this day!

Another pic in her big girl chair...

Isabella in her chair that her great grandfather bought her. We keep it at my parents house and she loves to crawl up in it.

All dressed up for church with her daddy!

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