Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bella's First Real Summer Day

A few weekends ago was Father's Day. The weekend was another hot one around here. Isabella's Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jared bought her a froggy pool for her birthday and we broke it out. It had a little fountain that she really loved, mostly to try to drink all the water that came out. We also got some watermelon and let her go to town on that. She had a blast! A pool and watermelon, that is a real Texas summer. =) Oh yeah, and 100 degree heat...

1 comment:

MeaganMusing said...

HeHeHe! She makes me laugh. I love your pool. We really need to get one for our backyard.

Hope we see y'all soon! Bella is growing up so fast! I swear she looks older than she did just a few weeks ago. :) or maybe that's a :( face! Ha! Can you tell I have baby fever??

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