Tuesday, July 20, 2010

15 Months!

How the time does fly. I can't believe it has been two years since we found out we would be adding to the family! We had Isabella's 15 month doctors appointment yesterday and everything is looking good! She is 65% in height, 50% in weight and 80% in head circumference. Doc said she is a girl with big ideas haha. He also said we have to get rid of the bottle. This is very sad for me. I love our time in the morning with her just sipping milk in bed with us while we watch the Today show. It is a cuddly relaxing time, but now we are going to just go straight for breakfast when she wakes up. We started this morning, but she was not happy about it! She fussed and fussed until we had actual food on her tray. Then she was ok. We also have some work to do getting her to drink milk from a sippy cup. She likes anything else from a sippy cup, just not milk. But she loves milk from a bottle. Go figure.

At 15 months she knows a handful of words - hot, bye bye, dada and Gretta (our dog) being her faves - eats most anything (except vegetables, unfortunately), can almost run, loves the water, is getting much better about riding in the car (which is great considering the 12 hour trek we have coming up), waves at everyone and everything, and is starting to be very affectionate. She will run up to you and give you a hug or kiss and sometimes during a hug will pat you on the back. It is the cutest thing. She is going to Mother's Day Out twice a week, which has been SO nice for me so I can get the house clean and laundry done and such as that. She is just getting so much more fun. She has such a personality and a sense of humor and really knows what she wants. It will be much easier when I know what she is trying to tell me that she wants!

Anyway, next Saturday we leave for Destin. I have stockpiled toys, books, snacks and DVDs to get ready for the trip. We are just going to leave reallllly early and hope she sleeps a lot. I definitely anticipate some tantrums being thrown, so I guess we will have to be stopping at some McDonald's or other such places that have play grounds so she can burn off some steam. Say a prayer that it goes well for us and that we actually get some rest and relaxation at the beach!


Tamra Maddux said...

Praying for you...even if you don't need it. Have a wonderful time!

MeaganMusing said...

Bella is such a cutie these days! You should post a picture that shows all her pretty hair!

I say it all the time, but this might be my favorite age. They're starting to talk a bit more and can really communicate what they want and don't want. So fun!

I hope y'all have an awesome trip!

Driving Up to Mount Cook

After a wonderful and too short time in Wellington, the next morning we boarded a plane to Queenstown.  Now, the whole time we had either be...