Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I know I know. You are all thinking 'wow Kelli, you are SO timely on your blogging'. Well, yes, I am a bit behind, but to my defense I have been trying to buy and sell houses in the last few months and move somewhere in between, and then go on vacation on top of that! More on all those subjects in later blogs, which I swear will be posted sometime soon. It is literally written on my to-do list, so it has to get done eventually.

Back to the main purpose of this blog. We had a great Christmas this year. It was the first year that Isabella really started to get that if she opens a present, there will most likely be a toy inside of it for her. So she started getting excited about opening things.

This year we started our tradition of staying in town for Christmas. We went to the family service at our church on Christmas Eve, which was super cute. All the kids sing and put on a show of the birth of Jesus. Bella did so good, too. She sat still for most of it and would clap when we sang. Then we went out to eat at whatever Houston's on Preston is now called. I can't remember, but it is pretty much still Houston's. By the time we waited and got seated and ate Isabella was not the angel that she sometimes is at restaurants, but we had fun getting out.

This year was the year we would normally spend Christmas day with the Trents, but unfortunately they had to stay in Norman for work until the day after, so my parents decided to come up Christmas day so they could see Isabella open her presents.

Christmas Morning - Wondering how we are all so excited first thing...

Then she starts to get in to the presents...

Modeling her new coat...

Nana helping her open a present...

She got a princess tunnel and loved it. She pretty much always wants me to get in it, but I have to tell her mommy is just a biiiiiit to big.

The next day the Trents got here. They gave her this baby doll that comes with a diaper bag, bottle, diapers, fake wipes, a bed and blanket. It is hilarious to see her change the baby's diaper, because she wrinkles up her nose and goes 'shew' to show that the old diaper fake stinks.

So we had a great Christmas and I am sure they will just get more and more exciting for her!!

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