I consider myself sort of a TV snob I guess you could say. Ok, well, maybe Gossip Girl isn't Oscar or even Emmy worthy, but I mean I usually sort of bite my thumb at reality TV. There are a couple of shows that I say defy the laws of reality TV, such as the Amazing Race. That is a great show where you get to see new and exciting places every week and it really relies on people using their noggins to get through it. However, shows such as the Bachelor, Dancing With The Stars, Living Lohan (you could not pay me to watch that) and, yes, even American Idol I have always sort of looked on with disdain. I realize American Idol contestants are, for the most part, very talented, but I hear singing every day and Simon is just an ass. I mean why be mean to someone just for meanness sake? It is sort of cruel in my opinion.
However. My eyes have recently been opened to a new show. A glorious show. A show that I am not sure how I lived without watching in the past, even though my friends all told me how great it was and that I was sure to love it. A show called So You Think You Can Dance. Oh. My. Gosh. How I love this show. Even during the normal TV viewing season, there is only one show that I cannot miss on the night it actually airs and that is Lost. Everything else can wait until later thanks to my handy dandy DVR. But this is a new feeling for me. On Monday I start getting excited for the new episode and to see what dance style my favorite couples have chosen and what awesome dances they will have choreographed for them. On Tuesday I always start thinking the show comes on that night and then I get sad when I remember it is only Tuesday. Wednesday is THE day. Two hours of television bliss with me stomach down on my bed with my palms under my chin, eyes wide, with a big smile on my face.
This is how the show works. They went around to big cities and found people who can dance really well. Then they sent like 200 people to Vegas for boot camp. In Vegas they narrowed it down to only 20 people, 10 boys, 10 girls, and paired them up as couples to compete. Every week each couple draws a style of dancing and then have really talented choreographers teach them a dance in that style. The two hour show consists of Cat Deely introducing a clip of each couple practicing and goofing around with each other, then the couple coming out to the stage to perform each dance. I feel like such a dork, the entire two or three minutes that everyone dances, every muscle in my body is completely stiff. I guess I am nervous for them and just want everyone to do really well. I don't know, but afterwards, they face the judges. Nigel is the exec producer and is British and used to dance in his younger years. On first impression you would think 'oh he will be the Simon of the show and will bring everyone to tears with his hateful take on their dancing'. Not at all. He truly enjoys the dancing and is usually kind, with a few useful pointers in his comments. Mary Murphy is the ballroom dancing expert. And she is super annoying. She screams so loud sometimes I am surprised the other judges aren't deaf! Anyway, you get used to her though and she is usually very kind, but also uses constructive criticism to help the contestants along. Then there is always one guest judge who has some sort of background in dance, of course.
After the show you can call in and vote on your favorite couple. The next night (oh my gosh it is tonight and I can't wait!) they have the elimination round. They announce which three couples had the least amount of votes and each member of that couple has to do a solo to prove to the judges they should stay. Then the judges decide on one boy and one girl to eliminate. They haven't eliminated anyone that I have loved yet, but out of the remaining couples, I really like everyone. I definitely have two or three favorites (shout out to Twitchington!!!), but they are all just such talented people. I danced my entire life until college, and no I was nowhere in the vicinity of the world of talent that these people posses, but I still love to watch it and can appreciate just how difficult it is. The dances are so unique and interesting and truly an art form. The things that these choreographers come up with have moved me to tears a couple of times.
So anyway, to sum up, this show rocks. I love it. I will be super sad when it is over. And I will try not to be so quick to dismiss reality TV from now on. =)
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