Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Crisis Averted!

Ok, so we have two fully functional cameras now. Jason busted out his fancy schmancy camera to take some belly pics of me over Thanksgiving and we also have a new converter for my camera so we are good to go. I now have no excuse not to be posting belly pics like crazy right? So here is the latest one. I was a little over 20 weeks at this point...

It's getting big! I am now strictly on maternity clothes - well pants and dresses at least. Good thing the 'flowy' shirt is in. It helps supplement my wardrobe.

I started cleaning out the guest room last night. We got rid of the old bed in there and now I just have to clean out the closet and stuff. There are a ton of old picture albums and notebooks and stuff that I found, it has been kind of fun going through them all. One notebook I found had all these poems I had written in it. Which is weird because a) I am not usually a huge poetry fan, mostly because I don't usually 'get' it and b) I don't remember writing them. Very strange, but made me just sort of laugh at myself. Some of them were kind of funny. I also lined up all the baby stuff we have already gotten against one wall. We are blessed with lots of people who love us, namely our parents and brother and sister, who have already started buying for our little bundle of joy. We have decided she will be quite spoiled, which is fine. =) I also had forgotten about the stuff I bought her at Disney World this summer so it made me all excited.

Tonight we are going to get our Christmas tree with the Reeds and then I am hightailing it up to Allen to my friend Tamra's house for book club. We read the first two books in the Twilight series. I am anxious to hear who is on Team Edward and who is Team Jacob. I am almost through the third book and went to see the movie this weekend. It was sort of cheesy, but I liked it and for the most part I liked all the casting. All the sets actually looked exactly like what I had pictured in my head. So they did a good job with that. =)

Alright, I'm off to the doctor. I have had a sore throat and need to get it gone before we leave for New York on Thursday!!

1 comment:

Amy Pawlak said...

What a cute little baby bump!! Congrats on baby girl!! That is so exciting! Tell Serena I said hello. :)

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