Tuesday, April 21, 2009

She's Here!

Sorry it has taken me so long to post about the newest addition to our family! You wouldn't believe how tiring it is to raise a newborn. Ok, I know everyone says that, but it is TIRING. =) Besides being tiring it is also amazingly wonderful and I am so in love with this little girl I can hardly stand it. So, I am guessing you want details so here they are.

April 15 at 1:42 am I woke up and my water had broken (I will spare all the really TMI stuff =) ). So I wake Jason up, call the doctor and the doc says head to the hospital. We call our parents and my sister and Jared and tell them before starting to pack up, although we were mostly packed already. For those who don't know my dad is a CPA and this is like the big day for him every year, so when I called my parents he had literally just walked in the door from work. Sorry dad! =)

So about 2 am I start having contractions and from there on out I have contractions every 2 minutes for the rest of my labor. This is not what they prepare you for in birthing class. I was prepared to have my first contraction, then another one like 30 minutes later and slowly build up and wait a long time for an epidural and do all my breathing etc. Well, all that was out the window and let me tell you, contractions HURT. Yes, I realize another thing people tell you but holy cow, it is so true. By the time we got to checked in and put in our delivery room I was in so much pain I told them I wanted the epidural right away and they said that was fine. So I got one and from then on it was SO much better. I have no idea how or why people do this naturally but I would not suggest it.

So for the next 17 hours I was in labor and just kind of laid in my bed trying to rest and also having people in and out to visit. I couldn't have anything but ice chips so I was starving! Around two the next afternoon I started getting a fever so I had to be put on antibiotics for the rest of my hospital stay, and it also made me not feel so good. But finally around 6:30 pm that night the nurse said I was ready to push! Isabella had been pushing down on me all day so they said she was right there ready to go and that it wouldn't take long. That was very good news to me at the time...some people push for hours!

Isabella Jane was born at 7pm on the dot. She weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 21 and 1/2 inches long. She is also absolutely beautiful if I do say so myself. =) The last few days have been a blur. I sleep when I can and my mom is here for a few days to help out. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't here! I would probably have only gotten half the sleep I normally do and would be going hungry I imagine. Jason has also been so great. Doing laundry and cleaning. Who knew having a baby was all it took to get him to do that? Just kidding, honey, I love you. =) Also, just trying to get this breast feeding thing down. That is also quite difficult, but we are working on it! Other than that Bella is really a good baby as long as she is full. She really only cries when she is hungry, which was a lot for a few days, but now we are getting better with that.

Thanks to everyone for your emails, texts, food, thoughts, prayers, flowers and all the other stuff all our friends have done for us. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives and so is Isabella. Here are a couple of my favorite pictures of her so far. Please excuse her head attire, we are working on getting her something more suited to her. =)


kristen said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations to you and your husband!

Rolando said...

Congratulations! No words can describe the feeling a parent has holding their baby the very first time. Just priceless.

The Tellez family wish you three the very best!

Belinda said...

I think the head attire is PERFECT! Congrats and can't wait to meet her!

Rachel said...

Kelly, she is ADORABLE! Congratulations.

Amy Pawlak said...

That's awesome, Kelli! I am so happy for you guys. Congratulations again!

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