Friday, April 24, 2009

Getting better, a little better all the time...

Isabella is 9 days old today and I am learning new things every day. She is honestly a really good baby so far. I hear newborns sleep a lot, so maybe that will change, but honestly she really only fusses when she is hungry and as long as she is full she is happy. Sounds like her mom! Getting up two to three times a night to feed is definitely hard and I pretty much feel a little bit crazy all the time, but we are so in love with her. I don't know how she does it, but she gets cuter every time I look at her.

The last couple days I feel like we are getting in to more of a routine. The feeding is still a struggle, but we are managing and she is on a pretty good eat, wake time, sleep time routine with her eating about every 3 hours and in the middle of the night sometimes she even sleeps 4! The last two days I actually wore makeup. Probably won't happen today, but baby steps right? Jason is being super supportive and even though he can't help with some stuff, he tries to help where he can. My mom left on Wednesday and his mom is coming up on Sunday to stay for about a week I think. I think my mom and dad may be up again this Saturday - my mom already misses her like crazy! - and my friend Serena is coming in from New York!! So we are excited to see her and introduce her to Bella.

Yesterday was the first time I got out on my own. I wasn't allowed to drive for a week so yesterday I put on real clothes and makeup and went to Target and Babies R Us and then went to Freebirds to pick up lunch. It is amazing how you really appreciate the little things when you have been cooped up inside for a week. The weather yesterday was so awesome and I actually got to listen to Sirius radio and sing along. =) So that was a nice treat for me. By the end of the day I am usually completely exhausted, but I just count my blessings that she actually sleeps during the night (mostly) when she isn't eating so I can sleep too. I know she will grow up all too soon, so I am really trying to just enjoy every minute, even when I am too tired to even think.

Tomorrow is my friend Courtney's birthday party so I am going to have Jason watch Bella so I can go for just like an hour. I am looking forward to seeing my friends! I have seen some of them since she was born, but not all. Should be a good time, and then my sister is going to come visit for a day next week too. So lots to look forward to in the coming week. OH, and ACL is announcing their lineup for the fall on April 28th! Can't wait to hear it. If it is anywhere close to the Lollapalooza lineup it will be greatness.

Ok, I guess that is all for now. I have some pictures that I took that I will post soon. They aren't anywhere close to as good as Jason's pictures, but they are new all the same and hopefully you will enjoy them!

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