Tuesday, June 21, 2011


At the end of May, me and some of my best girlfriends took a trip down to the beach house in Destin. These are the girls who I worked with at TXU, some of whom I knew in college, and we all went to A&M, so we have a lot in common, except that we are all pretty different! I love these girls and I thought I would take a minute to introduce them before getting to the details of the trip.

Here is a group shot of them. This was the first night we got there. By the time we got in and got settled, it was too late to go to the beach, but we did take a quick walk just to check things out.

Private note to my girls: I promise to try not to show a bunch of pictures of us in our bathing suits, but it is, after all, a beach trip, so there may be a little skin showing. I promise I have only included shots that were flattering.

Here is the cast of our trip. First up, KC. KC lives in Lake Highlands, obviously the cool place to be, and was friends with Courtney in college, but I did not meet her until TXU.

Courtney - Sorry, Court, I realize this is a full body shot, but I just think it is a cute picture and wouldn't put it in here if you didn't look awesome! Court and I worked at Bath and Body Works together in college, and she also worked with my roommate at Old Navy. She was a busy girl. =)

Shawna I have known the longest, since Freshman year at A&M. We had some good times cruising College Station in the Camaro...

Lacey - Also did not meet her or Tamra until I worked at TXU, but now we have regular playdates with her two daughters Kiley and Presley, Bella and Tamra's daughter Caitlin. She is also one of my "Blogs I Love" if you would like to know more about her. :)

Tamra - Obviously likes to party as evidenced by the double-fisting below. ;) Ok, I think she was actually holding my drink, but it looks funny. Tamra is mother of Caitlin, and also one of the "Blogs I Love", as well as the executive producer of my blog (ie - she took it from totally geek to totally sheik - if anyone gets that reference, you are my new best friend).

The first night we went out to eat at one of my favorite places, The Back Porch. I think we go here almost every year. And every year I order crab legs and make a mess eating them and I love it! Here is a pic of me and T down on the beach after procuring some drinks.

All the girls while waiting (and waiting and waiting) for our table...

Pretty much most of the trip we just spent all day at the beach. Laying on the beach with a good book, a good drink, soaking up the sun is about my idea of heaven.

Shawna and Lacey boogie boarded...

The other place we went to eat while we were there is in the town of Seaside (most famous for being the location that The Truman Show was filmed) at a place called Bud and Alley's. It was a great bar/restaurant right on the beach, with an upstairs bar so you have a great view. Here we are in the square...

Having a toast on the balcony...

Another shot of the group enjoying our beverages...

After a couple of days we were pretty crispy so some of the girls went shopping at Baytowne Wharf. It is a little place in the Sandestin community that has cute little shops and restaurants. I just think this picture is really cute...

So that is pretty much it. No major stories, just had a blast with some of my favorite people. I honestly can't believe that in the 10 years we have all been friends that we have never done a girls only trip with all of us!

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