Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy New Year!

Ok, so I realize New Year was almost two months ago, but our year started off a little, well, not so great. Seemed like just one thing after another ya know? Migraines, stomach bugs, burst pipes, dog bites. Seemed like we would get past one thing just to have something else pop up. So I decided that February 1 would be our New Year. I do also realize that was almost a month ago, but I just have been really really busy so this is going to be a LONG post. So tuck in and hopefully you will stayed tuned to the end. =)

I won't chronicle every step of January - just the good stuff. First I got season tickets to the new Dallas Center of Performance Arts downtown and so I got to see South Pacific early in the year. Then a couple weeks ago I got to go see August:Osage County. Both were awesome and I still have two more shows to go! If you haven't been to the new theater, I highly recommend it. SO much better than Music Hall at Fair Park.

So the last weekend in January my mom kept Isabella for the weekend. Jason and I did WHATEVER we wanted all weekend. It was such a nice break. We saw like 3 movies and ate out every meal. So great. Here is a picture my mom sent me of Bella trying to give my sister's dog a kiss at my mom's house. Looks like she is trying to eat her though haha.

The week before Bella had a stomach bug and I worried she wouldn't be able to go stay with Nana. She felt so bad that she would just fall asleep at any given moment. I caught some cute pics of her falling asleep on our bed, which she has NEVER done. Made me just want to cuddle up with her...

She has gotten so big lately. She just loves to play with all her toys and she pulls up on everything. Case in point...

Here she is giving me her scrunchy nose smile. That is also what she looks like sometimes when she is mad so I am not always sure. I just love this picture where her hair is all crazy after a nap. So adorable...

A few weeks ago Dallas had the biggest snow ever on record. It was so gorgeous. Even though I am so so sick of the cold weather - 85 and sunny is the perfect weather to me - if it has to be cold, I guess snow is a nice touch.

Bella liked the snow too...

Here is another recent picture of Isabella with her horse that her Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jared gave her for Christmas. She likes riding on it, though she can't really balance yet. Is she the cutest thing you have EVER seen or what?

So those are just a few things we have been up to. Jason had his 31st birthday - happy late birthday honey! - and Bella has started going to Mother's Day Out one day a week, which is keeping me sane. Now that she is so mobile I feel like I get nothing done! I am getting more and more busy with my job so that is fun! Other than that, we are just loving being parents to the cutest 10 month old baby in the world. What's that? YOUR baby is the cutest? Not possible, sorry. =)

I thought about listing all my New Year's Resolutions so that I might actually stick to them, but in January I had like 20 and now I can't remember them all. Ha. Some resolution right? I do remember a couple that I still have a chance of keeping. I got the Rosetta Stone for Italian for Christmas so I want to work through that and then continue taking Italian lessons. I also have a couple of scrapbooks that I want to start working on. I am really NOT an artsy/craftsy or creative person at all, so it is hard to motivate myself to do it, but I know I will be glad I did. Hmmm, yep those are the only two I remember.

Well, I hope everyone else's year has been great. Our February has been great so far so let's hope the rest of 2010 is great as well!

1 comment:

Manda said...

It makes me happy when you blog! :) And I love that picture of Bella and Gracie. And with her horse of course. Has she named it yet?

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